DeVilbiss Spray Gun Neptune

DeVilbiss Spray Gun Neptune

Sale Price:₹34,920.00 Original Price:₹38,250.00

The World’s Lightest Professional Spray Gun In India


  • Gun Body
    Magnesium gun body with PTFE coating prevents from stains on its surface and for easy cleaning. All-new ergonomic gun design ensures incredible handling and balance.

  • Air Valve
    Coaxial, inline less kick air valve provide with smooth trigger action and control for ease of gradation, fade-out and blend-into.

  • Air Cap
    110B air cap is made of plated brass to be durable and its air atomization technology is LVMP (Also called TransTech or Compliant).

  • Stainless steel fluid passage, needle and air inlet
    The fluid passage, needle and air inlet are made of stainless steel, compatible with all types of paints including waterborne.

  • Plated brass knob and valve
    Pattern valve, fluid adjusting knob, cheater valve are made of plated brass to be durable. Smoother operation particularly when wearing gloves.

  • Snap Ring
    There are four colour-coded snap rings, designed to provide easy identification and ensuring you have the right gun for the job.

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